How to Create Subdomains in cPanel

A subdomain is an extension of your primary domain name that allows you to create independent sections of your website without purchasing a new domain. Subdomains are commonly used for organizing large websites or separating different types of content. For instance, if you run a business website under, you might create subdomains like for an online store or for a blog.

By using subdomains, you can create a unique experience for users while keeping everything under your main domain. They are also useful for testing new features or creating regional versions of your website, like or





Why Use Subdomains?

Subdomains offer several advantages:

  • Organization: Easily separate different sections of your website.
  • SEO Benefits: Subdomains can rank independently on search engines, which could improve visibility for specialized content.
  • No Need for New Domain: You can create new sections of your site without purchasing additional domain names.


Now, let’s go through the step-by-step process of creating a subdomain in cPanel.


Steps to Create a Subdomain:

  1. Login to cPanel :

    • Start by logging into your cPanel account. To do this, open your browser and type in the address bar.
    • A login page will appear. Enter the username and password associated with your cPanel account and click "Log In."
  2. Locate the Subdomains Feature:

    • After logging in, you will be taken to the cPanel dashboard. Here, you need to find the Domains section, which contains all domain-related settings.
    • Click on Subdomains to access the subdomain management interface.
  3. Create Your Subdomain:

    • In the Subdomains section, you will see a form labeled "Create a Subdomain."
    • In the Subdomain field, enter the name you want for your subdomain (for example, shop or blog).
    • Next, select the domain you want to attach this subdomain to from the dropdown list if you manage more than one domain.
    • cPanel will automatically generate the Document Root, which is the folder where all files for the subdomain will be stored. This path usually looks like /public_html/shop for a subdomain like You can change this path if you wish, but it is recommended to keep the default unless you have specific reasons.
  4. Finalize the Subdomain Creation:

    • Once you've filled in the required fields, click the Create button.
    • cPanel will now create the subdomain. This process might take a few moments, and once done, you’ll see a confirmation message that the subdomain has been successfully created.
  5. Uploading Content to Your Subdomain:

    • Your subdomain is now active, but it needs content. To add files, navigate to File Manager from the main cPanel dashboard or use an FTP client if you prefer.
    • You will find a folder corresponding to your subdomain under the public_html directory (for example, /public_html/shop).
    • You can upload HTML, PHP, or other types of files directly into this folder, and they will be accessible from the subdomain URL.
  6. Testing the Subdomain:

    • After uploading the necessary content, test your subdomain to ensure it’s working properly.
    • Open a web browser and enter the subdomain URL (for example, If everything was set up correctly, the browser should display the content you uploaded.
    • If the subdomain is not yet visible, it may take a few minutes for DNS settings to propagate. You can also try clearing your browser’s cache or checking your DNS settings if there are issues.


Managing Your Subdomain:

  • Once the subdomain is created, it functions like any other part of your website. You can manage files, install scripts, or even set up a separate content management system (CMS) like WordPress specifically for the subdomain.
  • Additionally, subdomains have their own directory and database configurations, allowing you to keep them entirely independent from the main domain.


When to Use Subdomains:

  • Business Expansion: If you're planning to expand your business offerings, creating a subdomain like can separate your e-commerce section from your informational site.
  • Regional Websites: If your business operates in multiple countries, using subdomains like or helps localize the content for each audience.
  • Testing Environments: You can use subdomains like to develop and test new features without affecting the live website.


Important Tips:

  • SSL Certificates: Ensure that your subdomain is secured by an SSL certificate. Many hosting providers include subdomains under a wildcard SSL certificate, but you may need to check or purchase one separately.
  • DNS Settings: Subdomains may require DNS propagation, which could take a few minutes to a few hours to complete.
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